Tashkent Medical Academy

Easy Visa Process
NMC Approved
Renovated Indian Hostels
Study Language - English

Established in 2005, Tashkent Medical Academy traces back its history to 1920, making it one of the oldest medical universities in Uzbekistan to study MBBS. Before forming Tashkent Medical Academy in 2005 it used to be known as Tahkent state university and Tashkent medical institute in 1931 and 1990 respectively. Also the University has 3 branches at the moment: Urgench Branch, Fergana Branch and Termez Branch respectively.

Appearing among the top 5 universities in Uzbekistan, the Faculty there includes General Medicine, Pedagogy, and Nursing have been initially established at the academy, with a complete capacity of 4662 students, apart from these many Indian students also pusing MBBS at the University. The institute trains around 765 postgraduates and 205 physicians. Tashkent Medical Academy’s MBBS program is based on the manufacturing of highly educated experts on 58 chairs via the acquisition of medical skills. Under a grant on the environment and human health, the institute implemented the “On coordination and monitoring of research works.” There are seven separate medical councils inside the institute.

Education of highly certified professionals are carried at the Center of Acquiring Practical Skills, OSCE (Objectively structured Clinical Examination) Center, 2 training laboratories, School of Public Health, Information-Resource Center, Demonstration-Training Stomatology Complex, at 2 demonstration-education modules of Rural Doctor’s Station.


ID: 5919
Published: 19/08/2022
Views: 387
Member since 3 years

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